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Lisa Richards is a Frequency Influencer, Meditation Master, Spirit Communicator, & Dowser.  She's the owner of Pyramid Surge where she intuitively designs powerful, energy transformation tools as well as accessories for Meditation Pyramids.  She is Head Researcher and Vice Chairman of the Pyramid Science Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to pyramid energy research.  She's bringing awareness to the Power of Pyramids as Co-Host of the Pyramid Science Foundation Livestream, she's Disrupting the Norm as Co-Host of the Sovereign Sisters Podcast, and Empowering YOU to Transform the World on the Alter Ether Podcast.  She's been honored with the titles of Event Manager & USA Ambassador for Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) Global which is a global initiative focused on transforming individuals to live in harmony with nature through Pyramid Energy, Meditation, Vegetarianism, & Breath Work.  And you can find her every Monday night on SBG News & Views for her segment GLOW.  

Lisa is a Seeker of Ancient & Forbidden Knowledge which has been intentionally hidden from us to dim our shine.  The Alchemist in her plans to transform the world!  Humanity must awaken to their true potential!


It's time to POWER UP!

Lisa Richards

CASH APP @pyramidsurge
VENMO @PyramidSurge
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4pm PST ~ 5pm MST ~ 6pm CST ~ 7pm EST

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