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Spirit Communication

Our loved ones never die.  When they transition, they become part of our Spirit Team and their all-knowing, unconditionally loving spirits want nothing more than to help guide us on our journey.  They are just waiting on one thing...your call.  If they don't receive your call they must stand by and observe not only the happy times in your life but the trying times as well.  Once you place that call you will instantly feel your loved one's energy around you.  Signs will appear to remind you of their guidance.  It could be a song, an item, an animal or even a person who resembles your spirit loved one.  


Everyone has the ability to communicate with spirits.  It's like playing the piano.  Some people are better at it than others.  And since this superpower has been hidden from many of us, turmoil and pain follow us throughout life.  But nothing is more comforting than confirmation that your loved one in spirit is alive, happy and with you always!  The proof that death is an illusion is a powerful healing in and of itself!  Spirit claims that we are the dead ones and they're more alive than we could ever imagine!  But how can we hear their messages?  Signs can guide you to a certain degree but a more direct form of communication will provide more direct messages.  Quieting your mind and tapping into your own abilities is hard to do when you're surrounded by the stresses of the world.  Then we have our Ego to deal with which is always pulling us in the opposite direction.  I'll admit, it's hard to get clear messages for yourself because of that damned Ego and it takes A LOT of practice to hear and speak to spirit.  I developed my ability several years ago when I was guided to my mentor and teacher, Peggy Rogers.  Peggy has been a medium for 40+ years and recently retired from offering private readings in the spiritualist community of Lily Dale, NY but still offers them at her home.   I'm honored for the wisdom and teachings she shared with me.  I'm also extremely blessed to be able to offer my services to humanity!  Nothing is more healing than the proof that there is NO DEATH!  


I know that some people will not agree with what I do.  Each of our experiences of who God is & who we are is created through our own unique experiences.  I will not argue about religious beliefs.  I will not try to convince you to step outside of your belief system, but I will say this...


Spirit is ALWAYS kind and loving and I have NEVER experienced ANYTHING negative!  EVER!  Our connection is fueled by our Intention and since my Intention is loving and pure, the unconditional love shines through and nothing more.  So, if you're reading this and the words "evil" or "demonic" come to mind this is your sign to check yourself and move on until you can bring light and love to others, the same way I do.  


If you're reading this and would love to experience one of the most powerful forms of spiritual healing, I'm waiting for you and so is your Spirit Team!  If you'd like to tap into your own SUPERPOWERS, then checkout my upcoming class schedule.  I love providing spirit connections, but my mission is to awaken humanity to their own powers!  The time is NOW! 

White Plants
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Readings are currently closed.  My focus has become teaching others just how POWERFUL they truly are and that EVERYONE has the ability to communicate and receive messages from spirit.  Stay tuned for my new podcast Alter Ether for more details.  

What to expect and how you can enhance your Spirit Reading.  

​1)  Don't limit yourself!  Don't allow expectations to limit the messages you receive.  For example, if your grandpa is in spirit and you say to yourself that you will only listen when grandpa comes through with one specific memory then you are limiting your messages.  Most likely grandpa is trying to communicate this message but if others in spirit are louder and more fluent in communication then grandpa's message may not be heard.  

2) Release the Fear!  It's perfectly normal to feel a bit anxious when getting a reading.  But fear is another story.  Fear is like putting up a brick wall.  Your energy is needed to receive messages as well.  It's not just the medium communicating with spirit.  Your spirit teams reside with you so your energy is used for communication as well.  If you have been taught that communicating with spirit is wrong then the brick wall may go up.  But get comfort knowing that spirit only communicates messages of love and comfort.  Nothing negative will be brought forth.  You will never be scalded for anything and you will never be told when you're going to die.  Only love and light will flow through. 

3)  I receive messages in many different ways.  I hear things, I see things, I know things, I smell things and I feel things.  When a channel is open for communication all these avenues are utilized and not by just one spirit.  Many spirits could be communicating at once.  It's my job to decipher the messages but your help may be needed in the process.  A message could be literal or symbolic.  If my interpretation of the message is a bit off please correct me so we stay on the right path.  It takes a lot of energy from spirit to communicate with us.  Therefore, they can not just sit next to us and hold an entire conversation.  They can only provide bits and pieces. 

4) Who will come through?  Once we open the channel to communicate EVERYONE wants to come through, not just the loved ones you were expecting.  Ancestors you never met, spirit guides, childhood pets, even others you may not know.  For instance, if you told a friend about getting a reading and that friend had lost a son...the son may come through with a message for his mom because he knows his mom would never get a reading.  So keep this in mind.  You may have to do some research afterwards to find out who came through. 

​5)  Confirm!  Confirm!  Confirm!  One rule of the trade is "Don't feed the medium."  This means do not provide me with any information prior to your reading.  But one thing I do need you to do is participate in the reading by confirming if you understand the messages or not.  You do not need to go into detail unless you want to but when spirit knows you understand then you will receive more messages.  Even if you don't understand please inform me so I can inquire a bit more.  

​6) Ask questions!  15 minutes isn't very long especially when EVERYONE wants to give you a message.  Several loved ones may come through.  So make sure to ask questions while your loved one is communicating because they may not have the stage for long. 

7)  Not everyone can communicate with us.  There is a transition period after death.  Sometimes it's a couple years and sometimes it may be a couple months.  During this transition your loved one can not communicate with us.  If this is the case, we can always ask another in spirit to provide some information on how they are doing.  Another reason we may not be able to communicate is because your loved one has decided to take on another body. 

​8)  Sometimes I pick up messages psychically which could mean they have not come to be yet.  So if there's something you don't understand do not disregard it.  Every message comes through for a reason. 

9)  Make an appointment with your loved ones in spirit!  Your spirit loved ones are not just floating around waiting for you to talk to them.  They have lives.  They have jobs.  They go to school.  So if you make an appointment with them they are more apt to show up.  So talk to them.  Ask them to be with us.  Tell them what time and where.  And if you have certain questions you want answered...ask them to come through with the answers.  If for some reason your loved one cannot be there they will send someone to communicate on their behalf.  

​10)  Record your reading!  You're welcome to record your reading and I highly recommend you do so.  Even if you have a good memory there may be key elements you missed.  Playing the recording later always triggers more memories.  

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