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Pyramid energy creates a cosmic antenna which tunes into universal energy sources. Using a pyramid will amplify the intensity of source energy. Connecting to source will put you in touch with your higher self who reminds you that we all have innate SUPERPOWERS.  Our body was designed to heal itself and will begin to do so with pyramid energy.  Meditations are deeper and more powerful, & manifestations are almost instantaneous!  Using the Russian Pyramid is like jumping ahead of the line to place your order with the universe.  It's EXTREMELY powerful and you must be VERY mindful of your thoughts when using it.  Energy Workers will receive a stronger, quicker connection to their client. 


Russian Pyramids get their name because for the past 30 years the Russian Government has been building this geometry pyramid all over Russia and finding AMAZING results.  Purification of water, reducing airborne pollution, increasing blood platelet count, improving longevity, enhancing the immune system, increasing athletic performance, diminishing severe weather, repairing the ozone, eliminating infant mortality rate, & enhancing plant growth by 20-400% have all been reported in the Russian research.  Russian Pyramids have a top angle of 76.345 degrees. They have more power than the Nubian Pyramids (72 degree angle) and the Giza Pyramids (51 degree angle). The steeper the angle, the more powerful the pyramid will be! I like to say Giza is like the dial up connection. The Russian Pyramid is like the high speed internet!!!


Featured in The Tartarian Empire 2:  Remnant Energy by Good Lion Films

Russian Geometry Meditation Pryamids

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Pyramid Research

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Place your order by May 5th to get it shipped in time for Mother's Day.  Sale cannot be combined with any other coupon code or affiliate discount. 

Sale ends on May 5th.  

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Charlie & Lisa on Quantum Truths JC Kay 

JC Kay reviewing Capstones

Charlie & Lisa on Alpa Soni the Spiritual Badass

Charlie & Lisa Review the Russian Research

A Guide to Russian Pyramid Research

Russian Pyramids and Enhanced Immune Function

Russian Pyramids Relation to Giza Pyramids

Lisa on TruthSeekah Podcast

Charlie & Lisa on Alpa Soni the Spiritual Badass

Charlie & Lisa on Spiritually Raw

Using Pyramids for Distant Healing & Readings

Russian Pyramids Purify Contaminated Water

Russian Pyramids Generate Electrical Energy

Russian Pyramids Create Far Reaching Energy Fields

CASH APP @pyramidsurge
VENMO @PyramidSurge
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